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You need a European digital Covid certificate to attend the conference. To convert a foreign vaccination certificate (non-European digital Covid certificate)  into a European digital Covid certificate (aka health pass), follow the procedure described here upon your arrival: and contact us if you need help. You will need to show your passport and a valid certificate of vaccination with a vaccine accepted by the European Medicines Agency or equivalentA valid certificate of vaccination includes the identification of the person, the type of vaccine and date of vaccination. Also, you need:

to be vaccinated from:

  • more than 4 weeks after injection for single dose vaccines (Janssen);
  • more than 7 days after the second injection for two-dose vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca);
  • more than 7 days after injection if you are recovered from Covid-19 (in this case only one injection is required);
  • have had a booster for more than 7 days with one dose of mRNA (Moderna or Pfizer) after two doses of a vaccine placed on the WHO emergency list (Sinovac/Coronavac or Sinopharm/BBIB-PVeroCells);


All other information here:

Feel free to contact us if you have any question concerning this issue. We will help you with all the health requirements you need to complete.


Conference description

The global endangerement of little-known languages has raised awareness of the urgent need to document and describe them and brought about new advances in the art of grammaticography (see e.g. Ameka, Dench & Evans 2006). The conference series 'Descriptive Grammars and Typology’, whose first installment took place in March 2019 in Helsinki, aims to contribute to the development of grammaticography by bringing together authors and users of grammars of underdescribed and/or endangered languages who share an interest in drawing on concepts of linguistic typology in grammatical descriptions.

This second edition of the conference will be more specifically focused on the theory and practice of grammar writing and will exclude papers concerned with the description of grammatical structures. We encourage presentations addressing the issues and challenges that authors of descriptive grammars face and the expectations of grammar users. Wider discussion of the role of typology in grammar-writing is welcome as well. The presentations may take either a language-specific or a cross-linguistic perspective.


Keynote speakers

  • Felix Ameka (Leiden University)
  • Nicholas Evans (Australian National University)
  • Birgit Hellwig (University of Cologne)
  • Aimée Lahaussois (HTL – UMR 7597, CNRS / Université de Paris / Sorbonne Nouvelle University)
  • Nicolas Quint (LLACAN – UMR 8135, CNRS / INaLCO / EPHE)



  • FIAP Paris – 30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris*

*We are counting on a face-to-face event complying to all sanitary restrictions that may apply. If needed, the hosting conditions will be adapted.



  • Thera Crane (University of Helsinki)
  • Sebastian Fedden (Sorbonne Nouvelle University; LACITO – UMR 7107, CNRS)
  • Ekaterina Gruzdeva (University of Helsinki)
  • Arja Hamari (University of Helsinki)
  • Matti Miestamo (University of Helsinki)
  • Yann Le Moullec (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations; LACITO – UMR 7107, CNRS)
  • Neige Rochant (Sorbonne Nouvelle University; LACITO – UMR 7107, CNRS; LLACAN – UMR 8105, CNRS)
  • Guillaume Segerer (LLACAN – UMR 8135, CNRS / INaLCO / EPHE)
  • Jeanne Zerner (LLACAN – UMR 8135, CNRS / INaLCO / EPHE)


Program committee

  • Claire Bowern (Yale University)
  • Denis Creissels (Université Lumière Lyon 2; DDL – UMR 5596, CNRS)
  • Don Daniels (University of Oregon)
  • Patience Epps (University of Texas at Austin)
  • James Essegbey (University of Florida)
  • Diana Forker (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
  • Andrew Garrett (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Carol Genetti (New York University Abu Dhabi)
  • Nadine Grimm (University of Rochester)
  • Antoine Guillaume (DDL – UMR 5596, CNRS / Université Lumière Lyon 2)
  • Harald Hammarström (Uppsala University)
  • Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
  • Jeffrey Heath (University of Michigan)
  • Marian Klamer (Leiden University)
  • Linda Konnerth (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
  • Maarten Mous (Leiden University)
  • Bastian Persohn (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
  • Mark Post (University of Sydney)


Scientific partners & sponsors

Llacan  Labex EFL Lacito
Val-de-Marne Inalco Sorbonne-Nouvelle  CNRS

Important dates

Deadline for submission
of abstracts:
July 01, 2021

Notification of 
September 20, 2021

Registration for on-site attendance
is closed

Registration for online attendance
closes on November 30

December 1-3, 2021


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